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Announcing our Partnership with DCG


Throughout GoPomelo’s evolution over the last 12 years, we have been committed to the success of our customers' cloud technology. We emphasize the importance of being innovative, moving fast, and working with best-in-class cloud technology. We invested in our mission of driving technology, business & culture transformation with cloud solutions early on. Over the last few years, we have seen the company truly realizing its potential with cloud technology becoming mainstream in enterprise globally. 

Our valued customers all helped us grow the company to its impressive scale and breadth that we have today. We operate across five countries, work with the largest enterprises in South East Asia, and continue to develop partnerships to provide best-in-class cloud solutions. 


Today we work with companies to digitize their productivity & collaboration, cloud infrastructure, data & ML, application development, and customer communications, amongst other solutions. We partner with leading vendors like Google, Microsoft, Workvio, LinkedIn to bring digital transformation to our customers across the region.


Now the time has come for us to take the company to the next level of growth. Today we are announcing a new partnership with Digital China Group (DCG). DCG is making a strategic investment in the GoPomelo Group of companies. We would like to take this opportunity to communicate how exciting this partnership is for all our customers and partners alike.

Access to Scale

Our Partnership with DCG is a strategic one. DCG is publicly listed in China and Hong Kong with an annual turnover of over $16 billion and a total workforce of over 20,000. IDC ranked DCG number 1 in third-party cloud management services in China by market share in 2019 and they were awarded Microsoft Partner of the year in China in 2020.

Strategically DCG and GoPomelo are aligned to scale together on our joint mission of digital transformation for our customers. Our alliance allows GoPomelo to offer more certified cloud engineers and application developers to work on your next project. DCG brings complementary cloud solutions to our existing cloud stack. Our partnership will allow us to immediately offer a broader range of solutions to complement your multi-cloud strategy.


Business as Usual

We want to emphasize that GoPomelo will continue to be run by the founders and existing management team. DCG will contribute to our offerings and scale at a strategic level, with the existing GoPomelo executive and management team responsible for the day to day operations of the group of companies.

As customers and partners, you will continue to work with the same team on your projects and solutions, with no effect on your existing contracts or commitments. All of your existing points of contact at GoPomelo remain as is and they are standing by to assist you as usual.


More to come

We are truly excited about this next phase for GoPomelo and our customers. We have agreed on some aggressive targets alongside DCG to double our team size over the next two years. This investment in our team will ensure you all have access to more engineers across more workloads.

Both GoPomelo and Digital China share the same mission of empowering your organization with digital transformation. As we begin to work with DCG across the region we will be rolling out more services and solutions to better serve you and your organizations. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Will the partnership between GoPomelo and DCG affect any of my existing contracts with GoPomelo?

There is absolutely no change in any of the existing contracts or commitments that GoPomelo has with our customers and partners. We will continue to service your organisation without change from the existing entity that you contract with. The upside is that we will now have access to more certified cloud engineers to service your needs.

Will GoPomelo change its name to Digital China?

No. We will continue to operate under the brand and name of GoPomelo.

By working with GoPomelo can I also get access to services and solutions from DCG?

Yes. GoPomelo and DCG will partner to provide our expertise and solutions in our respective markets.

Will this change whom I work with at GoPomelo?

No. We are the same team of dedicated engineers and consultants.

Does this affect your Google Cloud partnership?

No. We will continue to work hand in hand with Google Cloud across the Asia region.

Does this partnership change GoPomelo’s regional focus in SEA?

No. We will continue to invest heavily in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. This partnership will allow us to add North Asia to our region's breadth.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, our team will always be happy to help.